Critters & Doodles / Alicángaras y Mamarrachos

Playful drawings, paintings and characters
whose suggestive names tell us stories,
inviting us to experience the ordinary as extraordinary
in a whimsical and alternative universe


Finding humor, the amusing side of everyday situations, inspire me to work with various materials that give shape to this universe of Alicángaras y Mamarrachos. There is a simple story behind each character. These stories are important for my creative process, as they inspire, define and provide a name for each of the pieces. Once they stand in front of the viewer, these creatures simply aspire to make you smile and ask of you to think of your own stories with humor and in celebration of life.

Alicángaras I
Mucho personaje
Alicángaras II
Revelry / Jolgorio
Six Legs / Seis patas
I am not a Baguette / Parezco un pan francés
Chunk of Air / Chancofer
Good for Nothing / Buen@ para nada
Perro Canequero
Heeby Jeeby / Con los pelos de punta
Big Mouth / Bocón
Not the Brain, Please! / Todo, menos la cabeza!
Silence / Silencio
Daisy Mae
Methodic Doubt / Duda metódica
This is not That / Una cosa es una cosa,
y otra cosa es otra cosa
Where are you going? / ¿A dónde vas?
  Tango Entangled / Vida de vertigo